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Legends of the Fall

This week is my first double header of the year. Memphis on Friday night with Momo and Ol Miss on Saturday. The downside is that kickoff on Saturday is at 11am. That is particularly galling given that I will be…

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Hog Heaven

It is the third straight weekend on the road and it is starting to catch up with me. The Southern Mississippi review came out late yesterday and this update is few days behind. We had a great time in Hattiesburg and…

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The Eagle’s Nest

This week we are off to Hattiesburg, Mississippi to see the Miners of UTEP take on the surging Golden Eagles of Southern Mississippi. The Miners are 0-6 and it’s the Eagles homecoming. Uh-oh. This could get ugly in a hurry.…

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Remember the Alamo

I am finally on the road. This weekend I head to San Antonio to see the 3 – 0 Roadrunners host the 2 -2 Golden Eagles of Southern Mississippi. This might be a solo affair as so far no one…

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To watch or not to watch

First, some observations from Week Three Baylor gets another drubbing. They are officially the cubs until further notice. With a loss to San Diego State and a beat down from Mississippi State respectively, Stanford and LSU, you ain’t what you…

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