New Year, Same SEC Scenario

As much as I want to say TCU will beat Georgia in the College Football National Championship, I will believe it when I see it. It was great to have two playoff games be actually competitive. Both of the games…
As much as I want to say TCU will beat Georgia in the College Football National Championship, I will believe it when I see it. It was great to have two playoff games be actually competitive. Both of the games…
“Tailgates funded by the Industrial – Military complex”, the ribbon of covid germs and the sweet smoke of Mary Jane floating above the Buffalo student section, rental car downgrades, shared sun screen, free bobble heads, “The top of the mountain…
Another season is in the books. It was a great year with 11 stadium visits, although two technically did not count. All my visits do not seem to improve my prediction skills however. In the final week, I went 2…
Of course, it is Thanksgiving but even better, it is Rivalry week. This is one of my favorite weeks of the year. The traditions, the trophies, and the “plain old hate” make this a great week to watch football. It…
Last weekend was supposed to be for rest and recovery. However, when you get the call to see an undefeated Ole Miss take on rival LSU in Death Valley, you don’t say no. We were rewarded with a good game…