Game Review: Cincinnati Bear Cats vs West Virginia Mountaineers 11/13/2010 1 pm
Final Score: Cincinnati 10 WVU 37, Attendance: 56,593
Weather: Sunny and warm; Price $50 (Face); Parking Free
“Cue the banjo” by Tree
The Site
West Virginia plays at Milan Puskar Stadium in god’s country, otherwise known as Morgantown, West Virginia. It is a program rich in character and traditions. The Mountaineer fans are friendly and very enthusiastic. The stadium is of standard fare, with nothing special to note. It does resonate with the sounds of John Denver warbling “Country Roads”. The fans, of course, heartily sing along. Like “Hang on Sloopy” with Ohio State, the song and school are instant reminders of each other. The other less identifiable tradition I noticed was to clap three times on each first down earned. Not exactly special but better than the tired cheer of “Another (fill in the name of any number of college/pro teams) first down.” The program itself is rich in tradition

When my son and I went to this game, we actually stayed in Pittsburgh believing there was more to do there than in Morgantown. It is true that in and around the WVU area, there are a wealth of outdoor activities. It is also a nature lover’s paradise. In terms of physical beauty, the region stacks up very well with other parts of the country. And by beauty, I mean the outdoors and not the gap-toothed hill billies that run around in their gun rack sporting four wheel drives. (I know, a cheap shot, but I couldn’t resist)s
It was a relatively short drive to Morgantown on game day. We were able to park at the coliseum and buy the tickets there. We caught the tram down to stadium. An unusual mode of transportation for a college campus, but with a hilly and geographically expansive campus, the tram is a popular option. It made for an easy trip down to the stadium. So, positive points to WVU for ease in parking and transportation. Leaving was a bit more difficult. There were school bus shuttles back to the coliseum parking lot, but the line was extremely long. While we found the Mountaineer fans we sat around the game to be extremely friendly and open, the fans around us in line were more redneck than good ol country boy. The borderline offensive prattle surrounding us made it a long wait indeed. It seemed like their behavior was pretty isolated but without a doubt, there is some of that element in the fan base.
The Game:

This game was a blowout from the start. The Bearcats fumbled a punt early in the game which WVU converted into six point on the very next play. With four Mountaineer TD passes in the first half and their defense smothering the Bearcats, this contest was over by halftime. In fact, we found it more interesting to watch the visiting student section from Cincinnati as the game progressed. They had undoubtedly taken a bus over and one young man was clearly much worse for the wear after their boozey soujern. He staggered up and down the stands until his friends wisely surrounded him and put him safely in the middle of the student section before security could throw him out. He then passed his time by vomiting into his souvenir cup. For him, it was either a game he will never forget, or a game he will never remember.
Personal Notes:
West Virginia has quite the extensive reputation as a party school. In particular, there is running joke every time WVU wins a big athletic contest that the students will be out burning a couch or two. We didn’t see any smoldering furniture but we did kind of get the party vibe when we visited the campus that weekend. My son was getting ready to apply to colleges and he had shown interest in only a few, academically rigorous schools. Despite a very strong transcript, I felt he might struggle to rise from the pack in that environment. However, at a school like WVU, he would likely to standout. He grudgingly agreed to visit, but probably more because he knew I wanted to go to the game rather than any real interest in the school on his part. We went went to the orientation on Friday and he was not impressed. That will happen when the dean of admissions uses incorrect grammar when speaking to the students. I was impressed with some of the programs and presentations, but the oration was the straw that broke the camal’s back. Not long after that, my son whispered in my ear that there was no way he was going to be a Mountaineer. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
In summary, attending a game a WVU should be the list. As for attending the university, can you say safety school?